
Wednesday, 11 August 2021

Snow planet

Struggling to pull up my boot as it was so hard I start getting ready to head on the ice. As I put my jacket & helmet on I just couldn't wait to play on the ice . Finally after a long time we finally get to go out on the ice. As I walked on the snow wham!! I fall on the super cold ice in pain I get up & I run straight to winter wonderland garbing me a slay riding down the snow. Once i get of my slay I run start to the slides.

Going down the slide so fast faster than flash thats how fast I was going. It was so fun sliding down the slide. I was very sad when it was time to leave we took our last final pictures and then we went. It was a fun experience. 
Snowplanet - Full Day Pass - Epic deals and last minute discounts


  1. Hey Hayden, It's me Tiara!
    Wow, this is a really nice piece of writing about what you did at Snowplanet. I enjoyed reading how fun it sounded when you were going down the slide! What might of made the Slide more fun to you?

    Keep up the Great work! :)

  2. Hahaaa imagining you as falling and sliding, hahaaa.
    You had so much fun experiencing sliding down the snow. Good on you.


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